L’ATAF recrute 01 Expert Data Analytics et Gouvernance


L’ATAF recrute 01 Expert Data Analytics et Gouvernance



Site Internet : https://www.ataftax.org/
Secteur d´activité : Services autres
Offres d´emploi :

Description de l’entreprise

ATAF strives to build efficient and effective tax administrations in Africa to become the leader on African tax matters, enhance economic… lire la suite

Détails de l’annonce

Poste proposé : Data Analytics and Governance Expert

The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) has received financing from the African Development Fund toward the cost of the Regional Institutional Support Project for Public Financial Governance – Phase II (RISPFG) and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this Grant to payments under the contract for Data Analytics and Governance Expert.

The services included under this project are :

Problem analysis and management :

  • Train South Sudan National Revenue Authority (NRA) officials to identify data driven /Machine Learning (ML) opportunities
  • Identify enterprise wide and beyond constraints and develop and communicate data governance principles (data policy development and implementation and monitoring and evaluation)

Data collection and Integration :

  • Train NRA officials on how to discover new data sources and catalogue them
  • Train NRA officials on how to create data pipelines and acquire access to new data sources

Data exploration and preparation :

  • Train NRA officials on statistical analysis and visualization techniques, how to generate hypotheses and test the hypotheses
  • Train NRA officials to analyse data and predict trends and patterns in taxpayer behavior
  • Enable quick identification and improvement of data issues

Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) :

  • Train NRA officials on how to integrate domain knowledge in the ML solution
  • Train NRA officials on how to apply various ML & AI techniques, test ML models, storytelling of ML results and making recommendations
  • Establish best practice around ML & AI production and infrastructure.

Profil recherché pour le poste : Data Analytics and Governance Expert

Qualifications and key competencies :

  • A master’s degree in computer science, data engineering, data analytics, economics, statistics or related qualification
  • Language : Excellent written and verbal English language skills for delivering the training materials and presentations
  • Fluency in French and Portuguese is an added advantage
  • General professional experience: A minimum of 5 – 10 years of relevant progressive experience in data science, analytics and governance
  • Specific professional experience: Advanced and demonstrated data collection and analysis skills, both in qualitative and quantitative data
  • In-depth experience in data structure and data manipulation, preferably in a tax related environment
  • Regional experience: Demonstrable experience in conceptualization and design of data science programmes and face-to-face or virtual workshop facilitation for multi-stakeholders audiences, ideally for international, regional or bilateral development organisations on related themes
  • Other : Data science and technologies skills such as SQL, Hadoop, Python and R, Spark, Machine Learning, with good report writing skills.

Critères de l’annonce pour le poste : Data Analytics and Governance Expert

Métier : Informatique, nouvelles technologiesR&D, gestion de projets
Secteur d´activité : Services autres
Type de contrat : CDD
Région : International
Ville : Pretoria, South Africa
Niveau d’expérience : Expérience entre 5 ans et 10 ans
Niveau d’études : Bac+5 et plus
Langues exigées : Anglais›Courant
Nombre de poste(s) : 1


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